This is an update regarding flood damage that occurred in your area on August 28, 2023. The District continues to work in close cooperation with representatives from FEMA, the Regional Intergovernmental Council, WV Emergency Services, and New River Engineers regarding the flood restoration project. New River Engineers are currently working on final planning design and revisions to be submitted and approved before construction can proceed. Inclement weather over the past several weeks have inhibited survey crews in these efforts. However, all parties involved remains diligent to keep this project moving forward.. More information regarding the overall restoration project can be found on the District’s website at Your continued patience throughout this process is greatly appreciated.
As related to the Kanawha PSD flood project, New River Engineers, Inc. (NREI) has prepared the following:
Between August 26, 2023, to August 29, 2023 the eastern part of Kanawha County experienced periods of heavy rainfall intensity, as much as 4 inches per hour in some areas. The rain event caused many of the streams within the PSD’s service area to overflow their banks causing damage to the existing infrastructure. The Winifrede and Coopers Hollow areas sustained heavy damage because of the severe weather event. Kanawha Public Service District (KPSD) is the local sanitary sewer provider. KPSD started evaluating the damage sustained to the sanitary sewer system as soon as personnel were able to return to work. KPSD was closed the day after the flooding event due to a power outage. KPSD personnel quickly realized that the damage assessment was going to require more man hours than its limited staff could provide. The PSD then contacted their current engineer, New River Engineers, Inc. (formerly S & S Engineers, Inc.) for assistance in assessing the damage.
The damage assessment was conducted in the following phases.
1. The first phase involved talking to KPSD personnel regarding issues they discovered either by being notified by a resident or by discovering the issue themselves. The primary purpose of this phase was to focus attention on the areas most likely to have sustained damage and identify issues as quickly as possible. Completed August 2023.
2. The second phase involved NREI personnel walking the existing collection system lines in the areas of concern to determine apparent damage, determine access availability, take pictures, take measurements, and generally assess the current condition of the collection system. Completed September 8, 2023.
3. The third phase involved closed circuit camera inspection of the sewer collection system in the areas of concern. Completed September 30, 2023.
4. The fourth phase involved analyzing the collected data, developing a recommended repair strategy with associated cost, and finalizing the report. Completed October 2023.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was contacted regarding financial assistance for the necessary repairs. Several months elapsed between the initial request for aid and the site inspection. The site inspection with FEMA representatives was conducted on April 8 through 10 of 2024. In May 2024, the decision was made to attempt to clean the sections of the sanitary sewer system that were too obstructed by flood debris to video inspect. If the cleaning is successful, the line will be video inspected to determine if further flood-related deficiencies exist. FEMA and the State of West Virginia required KPSD to comply with the SG engineering procurement process prior to receiving funding. If cleaning is unsuccessful, video inspection will be used to demonstrate why the line could not be cleaned. If the lines could be cleaned and no other flood related issue was identified, then the line would be removed from the sections slated for replacement. KPSD was notified in July 2024 that FEMA had allocated the funds for the cleaning project. However, the FEMA funds only cover 75% of the associated cost. Therefore, KPSD started applying to the State of West Virginia for the matching 25%. The matching funds were allocated later in July 2024 . The sanitary sewer cleaning work started on July 29, 2024, and is ongoing as of the date of this letter.
The cleaning work is expected to be completed by the end of August 2024. The data will be analyzed, and a design report will be developed for the finalized scope. Plans and Specifications will be developed, and the necessary permits obtained. The project will then have to be let out to bid . The anticipated schedule for the project is as follows:
Completion of line cleaning
Approval from FEMA of revised scope
January 1, 2025
Plans and Specifications complete
March 1, 2025
Permit applications submitted
March 15, 2025
Additional funding committed
April 30, 2025
Advertise for bid
June 15, 2025
Bids received
July 30, 2025
Begin Construction
October 30, 2025
Substantial Completion
October 30, 2026
The schedule above is based on typical project timelines. However, KPSD is committed to completing the repairs as quickly as possible to prevent additional issues. Unfortunately a project of this magnitude is tedious process. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
This is an update regarding flood damage that occurred in your area on August 28, 2023. Representatives from IVS Hydro are currently working in your area performing sewer cleaning and camera inspection as determined by a FEMA site inspection on April 8, 2024. The work is being funded by grants from FEMA as well as the WV Infrastructure and Job Development Council. The cleaning and camera inspection is needed in order for engineers to assess in detail and to design needed repairs to the sewer system. Your continued patience through this process is greatly appreciated.
This is an update regarding flood damage that occurred in your area on August 28, 2023. During the week of April 8, 2024 FEMA representatives as well as other engineering staff surveyed damage to public infrastructure in the area. It was determined that additional cleaning and inspection in the area is required. FEMA recently approved a grant which will be utilized to perform the additional engineering, inspection, and cleaning of sewer lines in your area. These FEMA funds will cover 75% of the cost of this portion of the remediation project. On July 2, 2024 representatives from Kanawha PSD, New River Engineers, FEMA, and the WV Office of Emergency Management met to determine a course of action to secure the additional 25% needed for the work to begin. Your continued patience through this process is greatly appreciated.
In addition, on January 30 2024, FEMA officials announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available for individuals who were affected by flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023. Affected Residents are encouraged to seek possible financial assistance through the Hazard and Mitigation Grant Program. For information you may call 800-621-3362. Thank you.
This is an update regarding flood damage that occurred in your area on August 28, 2023. During the week of April 8, 2024 FEMA representatives as well as other engineering staff surveyed damage to public infrastructure in the area. It was determined that additional cleaning and inspection in the area is required. FEMA recently approved grant which will be utilized to perform the additional engineering, inspection, and cleaning of sewer lines in your area. These FEMA funds will cover 75% of the cost of this portion of the remediation project. Representatives from the Regional Intergovernmental Council is attempting to secure the additional 25% needed for the work to begin. Your continued patience through this process is greatly appreciated.
In addition, on January 30 2024, FEMA officials announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available for individuals who were affected by flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023. Affected Residents are encouraged to seek possible financial assistance through the Hazard and Mitigation Grant Program. For information you may call 800-621-3362. Thank you.
Kanawha PSD staff met again this week with representatives from FEMA and other federal, state, and local agencies to work toward the application for FEMA assistance and other matching funds to address extensive damage that occurred to the sanitary sewer system because of the flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023.
During the week of April 8, 2024 FEMA representatives as well as other engineering staff surveyed damage to public infrastructure in the area. It has been determined that additional cleaning and inspection in the area may be required. Your continued patience throughout this process is appreciated.
In addition, on January 30 2024, FEMA officials announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available for individuals who were affected by flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023. Affected Residents are encouraged to seek possible financial assistance through the Hazard and Mitigation Grant Program. For information you may call 800-621-3362. Thank you.
Kanawha PSD staff met today (03/27/24) with representatives from FEMA and other federal, state, and local agencies to work toward the application for FEMA assistance and other matching funds, in an effort to address extensive damage that occurred to the sanitary sewer system as a result of the flooding that occurred on August 28, 2024.
During the week of April 2, 2024 FEMA representatives as well as other engineering staff will be surveying damage to public infrastructure in the areas. Please be advised that this survey is necessary as part of the application process. You continued patience throughout this process is appreciated.
In addition, on January 30 2024, FEMA officials announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available for individuals who were affected by flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023. Affected residents are encouraged to seek possible financial assistance through the Hazard and Mitigation Grant Program. For information you may call 800-621-3362. Thank you.
On February 27, 2024 FEMA has declared areas of Kanawha County Eligible for federal public assistance for the flooding incident that occurred on August 28th 2024. The Public Assistance Grant Program supports communities’ recovery from major disasters by providing them with monetary assistance for debris removal on public lands, life-saving emergency protective measures, and the restoration of public infrastructure.
Kanawha Public Service District is currently working with federal agencies toward the application and securing of FEMA assistance and other matching funds in an effort to address extensive damage that occurred to the sanitary sewer as a result of the August flooding. The declaration from FEMA is one crucial step in a long process. Your continued patience is greatly appreciated.
In addition, on January 30 2024, FEMA officials announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available for individuals who were affected by flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023. Affected Residents are encouraged to seek possible financial assistance through the Hazard and Mitigation Grant Program. For information you may call 800-621-3362. Thank you.
This is an update regarding flash flooding that occurred on August 28, 2023.
Since the event, Kanawha PSD has worked with engineering contractors to perform detailed inspection in the affected area and to compile a cost estimate for repairs of the sanitary sewer infrastructure. This cost estimate was submitted to the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Division on October 10. An application for FEMA assistance was then submitted on behalf of the District. FEMA is in receipt of the application and is currently in process of review. Last week, engineers and representatives from Kanawha PSD participated in a conference call with various state, local, and federal entities in an effort to check up on the status of the FEMA application. There is no new information to report at this time. The application has not yet been approved. Your patience is greatly appreciated throughout this process.